

Jun 23 2016

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The Democrat Party is gasping for their last breath before it dies . The Great Farce of a Democrat Sit In, in the House of Representatives and the recent Filibuster in the Senate is a sign of the stupidity and absolute desperation of their party leaders. A few old corrupt Democrats so out of touch with reality, and so blind by their own ambition, corruption and bigotry, are now trying to be good global citizens and U.N controlled Obama clones, to ban guns in the U.S.  I never thought I would agree with anything a Republican Congress did, but my dislike for Democrats has increased 10 times what it was last year. The Democrat Party is made up of the silliest, most corrupt, hypocrites ever assembled. The DNC is a fraud, and Obama has turned into a complete corporate shill, and betrays the American people daily in secret executive orders, increasing military spending and needless interventions. I give no credit to the Republican party either, however in the case of the gun control bill, the Democrats are simply staging a last minute Theater of the Absurd production, of HAIR fund raiser. The end is when all the actors burst into singing AQUARIUS with their arms stretched forward, as the money bomb is dropped from the ceiling. They neglected to tell the public, except for the Republicans, who actually read the bill, how bad the bill really is.

I have to laugh at the video taped performances of the “sit in”. I notice that all attending the Sit In are Hillary Super Delegates, trying to convince their own constituents how committed they are to destroying the Constitution, especially the Black delegation of dementia driven civil rights marchers, and bone headed white Democrat wastrels , who have sold out to the Clinton Machine for years, and are the last bastion of fools to support “Crooked Hillary” and the dead Democrat Party. They are unable to see beyond the built in Bigotry and Racism within their party. Democrats are shameless, just as Hillary is shameless. They have no moral fiber. They refuse to see or hear the truth that Bernie Sanders speaks to the American people. They lie and distort, and ignore their own incompetence and corruption, using their bought off, biased, media to promote their criminal and incompetent agenda.

The” Occupy the DNC “rally in Philadelphia at the July convention will reportedly bring over 1 million people to protest the convention. There have been estimates that up to  4 million Bernie Supporters will be Occupying the DNC. If Bernie Sanders and his delegates are ignored at the convention, or if Bernie concedes and endorses “Crooked Hillary”, then all hell will break loose, and the Democrat Party will never recover. Every Hillary wonk will be verbally and possibly physically confronted. Just the threat of 1 million or more Bernie Supporters may keep Hillary Delegates away from the convention.   The same thing will happen at the Republican Convention if Donald Trump is refused the nomination. The difference with Trump supporters is most or all carry guns. I can easily see an armed take over of the Cleveland Convention by several heavily armed militias.

Let the Revolution really begin ! Hopefully Americans have finally had enough.


L.A. Steel

Independent Write In Presidential Candidate 2016




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