

Jun 11 2016

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LIZ Warren has no integrity. Her endorsement of Hillary should warn every Bernie Supporter never to trust her, especially as a VP choice. She has proven herself to America, she is nothing more than a Hillary clone. It’s sad to see another traitor of the people side with the Criminal Enterprise of the Hillary Clinton political party.   As I look at the massive Democrat assault to the integrity of all Americans, I vow that I will never cast a vote for any Democrat, or Republican, and not the Green Party a second thought. If Bernie is not nominated and the FBI does not arrest Hillary and Bill Clinton , even though they are charging them with Racketeering and Espionage, then I and every patriotic American must demand by overwhelming protests to the DNC , and millions of signatures on petitions to the FBI, demanding the arrest of Hillary Clinton, based upon their OATHS to protect and serve the American people, and their criminal findings from their year long investigation.

LIZ-ARD Warren is a fraud and traitor to her ‘Progressive” followers. She is nothing more than a Hillary Clone, and is completely under the control of the Bankers and Corporations she so falsely fights against. She is a phony, a pawn, and a lying, shiftless, political hack. The best thing that could happen  to America would be a Hillary / Warren Ticket. Then all Americans and the world will watch and laugh when Hillary and Liz receive less than 10% of the general election vote, and all Americans can witness and take credit for the greatest landslide victory for Donald Trump, and the complete destruction of the Establishment Democrat Party and Republican Party.  Trump calls Hillary “Crooked Hillary” and Warren,” Pocahontas,” and lately he has named Warren “Goofy” based on the famous Disney character.   Americans will see the Democrats for what they really are as well as the Republicans if they don’t understand what they are by now.

American politics will never be the same after the 2016 elections. I believe that the majority of Americans will revolt against the Hillary Machine, and pray that the FBI has enough courage and honor to do the right thing and publish their findings of the Hillary Clinton investigations with their charges of Racketeering and Espionage. The American people must know that Hillary and Bill Clinton are criminals, and must be arrested.  May Providence awaken Americans before they are completely deceived and destroyed by Hillary Clinton and her Criminal , Democrat Party.

L.A. Steel

Independent Write In Presidential Candidate 2016








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