

Mar 03 2005

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Going International


I would like to thank my international readers for their interest. It is encouraging for me to know that my work has struck a universal chord with Asian and European audiences, who have accounted for thousands of hits on this site just in the last month.

If Americans were more gracious to their global brothers and sisters, we might be able to totally negate the Bush barbarism that frightens most of the world and half of the U.S population. Enough individuals bridging the cultural and nationalistic gap between the U.S and the rest of the world would render G.W. Bush totally moot and impotent. As an American disgusted by his government’s domestic and foreign policies I am compelled as are all the people throughout the world, to suffer the crude statements and barbaric atrocities of the Bush Administration. We rational Americans, and there are many of us, have done all we could except for an all out revolution, to rid our nation of George W. Bush and his contemptible minions.

As a symbol of my good faith to all my global readers, I ask that you contact me if you are interested in promoting a global conversation. I would be honored to present your emails or articles on this website and on my radio and television programs. I would only publish or announce your name with your permission or you may send your messages or articles to me anonymously.

As for my North American readers, I am honored that you remain interested in my articles and opinions and I thank you sincerely. In the days ahead I hope to have my radio show broadcasted daily on this website and archives many of my best television and radio interviews. As of this week I am celebrating my second full year on radio. This is also my sixth year on television, producing a weekly series.

I have aggressively sought out unique newsmakers and individuals with ideas that are controversial, liberal and free thinking, artists, musicians, politicians, actors, authors and activists from all over the United States and some from Europe. An international conversation discussing all these areas of interest would be a remarkable way to bridge the world to a liberal American audience.

I thank all my readers for your interest and urge all of you to feel free to contact me, as many of you have. Also please use the forum. I has several new articles I’m working on and will be posting in the next few days. I have expanded my links section and will continue to add more, I hope you use them. Also please do not be afraid to vote in my polls, even if you are not a citizen. I intend to internationalize my polling questions soon. If you have any suggestions please send them to me. Remember, unlike the Bush Kerry election your vote will count and unlike American congressmen and senators, I will answer your emails and consider your suggestions.

L.A. Steel

Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=189


1 comment

  1. Adina

    i like the all pages and all comments. thanks for all!!! regards!!!

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