

Feb 12 2005

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DNC (Demented National Clown) Dean


Let us all hail the new DNC chairman the undisputed leader of the Demented National Clowns. Yes, I so hope he can revive the great party of national clowns who so sadly lost their little car in the three ring circus farce they called a national election.

Now the organization of Demented National Clowns (DNC) have elected a new and mighty clown. He is DR. DEAN . He has the unique ability to scream on stage like no other clown ever has and his clownish presence promotes all the best of clowns. His happy boy like grin, his ratty old suits, his pudgy little belly and of course his height is a natural comedic gift.

The entertainment starved Americans can hardly wait to see the marvelous antics of DR.DEAN when he brings with him on his national appearances the famous DEANIE BABIES. There signature song will be ” Dr. Dean the DNC King” (Send him a check and listen to him scream.)

It is simply amazing how delusional the DNC really is to think that any rational thinking American would give a dime to them after what they did in 2004. THE DEMENTED NATIONAL CLOWNS have done well by selecting Dr.Demento as their leader. He and his other clowns will insure that all American elections are three ring circuses and then maybe they can get their little car back once the elephant is finished stepping on it.


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