

Jan 16 2020

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Lev Parnis made history yesterday in his official release of damning evidence against Trump and every member of his Administration including Trump’s trained monkey  Rep.Nunes. Also, he gave an interview with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Lev Parnas revealed the depth of the conspiracy Trump and his top Cabinet members were involved with led by Rudy Guilliani Trump’s personal lawyer. He said that the threats against Ambassador Yovanovich were real and all were on the orders of Trump. Trump and Pompeo had her threatened and surveilled. Yovanovich testified in the Intell Committee hearing that one of her friends a Ukrainian Security Agent warned her in a 1:AM phone call, that she was in danger and should leave the country on the first plane she could get. After the warning she took the first plane she could back to the U.S and reported this threat to her superiors and Pompeo, she was then fired from her job as the Ukrainian Ambassador without reason or answers.

During her live committee hearing, Trump Tweeted an insult at her which went viral and was read to her during the public testimony. She was obviously shaken by Trump’s intimidation and said she never found out why she was fired except that Guilliani made him do it because she fought the rabid corruption in Ukraine, Guilliani was paid $500,000 by Lev Parnas and his partner Igor Furman to help get rid of Ambassador Yovanovich and threaten President Zelensky with Trump’s hold up of the much needed 400 million dollars in defense aid for their war against Russia. Trump demanded Zelenzky make a public statement that he would investigate Joe Biden and his son’s involvement with the energy company Burisma.

After his arrest in the U.S Lev Parnas decided to release all this information and phone conversations with Guliani and others and voluntarily testify in the House and Senate hearings after Trump publicly denied knowing him by stating to the press” I never knew them.” regarding Lev and his partner Igor. Lev Parnas told Rachel Maddow that he was very surprised and hurt that Trump denied ever knowing him since he had met him many times. Lev stated “I worshipped him. He was the Savior. My wife was embarrassed I had a shrine to him in my home.”

Lev Parnas is just another greedy soul caught up in the Trump web of deception. Lev Parnas owned a lobbying company in Ukraine named “Fraud Guaranteed”, he lives in Florida and hired Rudy Guilliani for a fee of  $500,000, while Guilliani was working for Trump . Lev Parnas may be remembered as the man who destroyed Donald Trump. Yesterday Nancy Pelosi delivered the amended Articles of Impeachment to the Senate which included further direct evidence of over 300 emails and phone conversations by Lev Parnas to Guiliani, Zelensky, and the Corrupt Ukrainian Prosecutor who wanted Ambassador Yovanovich removed from office due to her hardline against corruption in  Ukraine.

Lev Parnas isn’t heroic, he was betrayed by Guiliani and Trump and his only redemption is to tell the truth as a witness to Trump’s threat of the Ukrainian president for a “political favor” and to bring down Trump, who Parnas said he once worshipped.

L.A. Steel




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