

Dec 29 2017

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Stop the Plant with Scenic Hudson President and Connecticut Atty. General Richard Blumenthal


In 2002 the St.Laurence Cement Plant was proposed to be built on the Hudson River which would cause tremendous pollution to Connecticut and all of New England as well as the Hudson Valley in New York. A group of concerned citizens which included Actress Merrill Streep and other N.W Connecticut residents began a public protest against the plant, and I was asked to help them promote the issue with my television program. I invited Ned Sullivan the president of the Scenic Hudson and Ct. Atty General Richard Blumenthal to discuss the issue on my show .

Atty General Blumenthal in 2002 was involved with suing Ohio power plants for causing their pollution effecting the health and air quality of Connecticut residents, as well as populations in other New England States.  Because of the actions of Scenic Hudson and Atty Blumenthal and all the concerned citizens, the Cement plant was never built. This is a great example of the power  concerned citizens and activists have in fighting for the protection of their environment.



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