

Nov 14 2017

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Manute Bol Speech 2004

Manute Bol was a Sudanese-born American basketball player and political activist. He played in the NBA for 11 years from 1985-1996 primarily for the Philadelphia 76ers. He was the tallest player in the NBA at 7ft, 8 inches tall.  He was also a major advocate and activist for the Sudanese people, who had been under going war for 30 years.  He gave continued financial and diplomatic aid to the Sudanese refugees and especially the “Lost Boys ” of the Sudan, over 20,000 young boys from ages 8-18 made the desperate departure from Sudan through the Sahara desert and wild lands seeking freedom from the war and genocide of the Sudanese Christians .

Manute Bol’s stature as a professional NBA player and an international activist , has  placed this remarkable man in a class all his own. I had the privilege of meeting him, and filming this speech.  It is as sincere  and direct  as he was, and inspired many who heard him , and will inspire many who admired his life and career.

L.A. Steel

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