

Jun 27 2017

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I had a friend who owned a crocodile and Boa Constrictor.  He kept them in large separate glass tanks in one of his bedrooms, in his condominium. He fed them live rabbits and other rodents. They were well fed and quiet most of the time he said. One day while I visited him, he asked me if I wanted to watch him feed his pets.  I laughed, until I saw him bring out two live rabbits in a small cage. As he opened the door to the tank room the crocodile moved quickly to the window and stared intently at the cage of rabbits. My friend took one of the rabbits out of the cage, then opened the top of the tank and threw the rabbit into the cage with the crocodile.

The crocodile lunged towards the rabbit and grabbed it between its jaws as the rabbit slightly squealed as her head was being swallowed by the crocodile. As swallowed the rabbit it began to chew viciously cracking the carcus, until I caught its attention, as I stared at him in disgust and disbelief at its merciless , reptilian, cruelty, and red blood filled eyes staring at me with all the hatred of hell. This happened 20 years ago, but I have never forgotten the look of pure reptilian cruelty and hate. I recognized that look again after 20 years, when I looked into Donald Trump’s eyes, Mike Pence’s eyes, Mitch McConnell’s eyes, Paul Ryan’s eyes, and all soul less Republicans who created the Health Care Bill and are determined to make it law.  These are heartless creatures, who thrive on the misery and carnage of war and genocide.

I have stared hate and evil in the eyes and know what it looks like, and will never forget it. We must not allow Donald Trump and the Republican Congress to stay in power, and allow ourselves and our neighbors to be murdered and tortured by racism, poverty,lack of healthcare, and a brutal police state ruled and  dominated by fascists.   The evil eyes of Republicans and Fascists are easy to recognize, once you notice the absence of their soul, and eyes of absolute darkness.

L.A. Steel


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