

Jun 27 2016

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The more dirt thrown at Donald Trump by the two Harpies  Hillary and her now BFF Warren is exactly what Trump needs to win the general election. Any” Man”, who has ever had to listen to two or more crazy old  women calling him every name in the proverbial book , has got my sympathy.  The complete farce of the two greatest hypocrites in politics known as Hillary Clinton and Liz Warren , are my favorite candidates to destroy the Democrat party forever. If they continue their insane rants against Donald Trump and continue to live up to their new reputations as the “National Hags’, I believe they will bring themselves and their party to a defeat and national humiliation never before seen in a presidential  election. By their hurling their hate at Trump, he has every right and reason to call them both out for who and what they really are, Crooks, Con Artists, and hateful old hags.

Hang in there Donald, let them spend all their money with negative ads against you, and let the Washington Post and the rest of the Hillary Media piss on themselves, as they support “The Hags”, because all big bank donors stated they would cut off Hillary if she chooses Warren as her VP choice. The only males in the U.S who would vote for Hillary and Warren are gay, castrated, or married to a Hillary supporter, and voting for Trump would make their lives a living hell, if they aren’t all ready.

My dislike for Hillary and Warren, isn’t because they are women, it is because they are the biggest hypocrites in the world.  I was fooled by Warren, when I thought she might have integrity, or at least enough to call Hillary what she is, and endorse Bernie Sanders, but she has proven who she is. She is an ambitious fraud and a potential felon willing to team up as Hillary’s running mate. Their are many far more qualified and honest women who could have run for President, but Hillary and the Democrats made certain to keep them out of the primaries. Bernie is hard enough for Hillary to contend with , an honest women candidate would have destroyed any and all of Hillary’s chances. “Pocahontas” Warren is not, and never was that women , and should never come close to the Vice Presidency, and “Crooked Hillary Clinton” should be in jail, not running for the Presidency.

L.A. Steel,

Independent Write In Presidential Candidate









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